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A created plenum

Recall that, according to mathematics, motion within a plenum is impossible if the plenum is created or finite in extent. At first glance this would appear to leave us only with the rare aether models such as the ill-fated luminiferous aether model, but is it possible that a created, finite medium could behave as a plenum to objects inside it? God would have to create that plenum so that the material bodies within it could not physically perceive that it is neither infinite nor eternal. In other words, such a created plenum could under no circumstances allow its finiteness to be noticed by the material in the universe. In particular, this means that material measurements could never be made to infinite precision; that the absolute properties of matter in space must be indeterminate. As long as that condition is met, bodies can move through the created plenum without hindrance.

The inability to precisely determine both time and position, this indeterminancy, has been known since the 1930s and is commonly referred as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. It is perfectly in accord with Ecclesiastes 3:11:

He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

and with Ecclesiastes 9:11 which states that: "...time and chance happeneth to them all." (Also see Luke 10:31 etc.)

Technically, to allow motion through a dense created plenum, it is sufficient that the Compton wavelength (also known as de Broglie wavelength) of nuclear particles be very much longer than that of the particles making up the created plenum. Indeed, at present the gap is 16 orders of magnitude.

So the key constraint on a created aether, that its "granularity" be very fine but finite, is consistent with the Bible, with theory, and with observation, since measurements of time and place have an inherent degree of uncertainty. Because of that uncertainty, motion can happen inside the created plenum.

Furthermore, the created plenum, as the uncreated plenum, must allow motion only along closed or cyclical paths. In particular, such allowable paths would include rotational and revolutionary motions as well as waves; but perfectly straight-line (rectilinear) motion is not allowed. Hence we observe that all fundamental particles move in Compton waves.

Now the key to identifying the created plenum it to recognize that there must be a space for it first. After the creation of the heaven (space) and the earth, we find that there is mention of the creation of such a medium in the Holy Bible. God calls it the firmament, and inside it he set the sun, moon, and stars (Genesis 1:15, 17). Since firmament is the God-chosen name for the created aether, we shall henceforth use it instead of the word aether.

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The Biblical Astronomer

4527 Wetzel Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio 44109

Last modified on 19 July, 2000 / GDB